Non possumus

Non possumus

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Literally, it means 'we cannot', but the literalness is not the point, because these words are a slogan, an incantation, a declaration of fidelity to the truth and to one's principles.

The history of these words comes from the apostles Peter and John, who disobeyed orders from the Sanhedrin - the supreme Jewish religious and judicial institution - forbidding the preaching of Christ's teachings, justifying their actions with the words: for we cannot say what we have seen and heard (non enim possumus quae vidimus et audivimus non loqui). We cannot. Non possumus. We cannot fail to proclaim the truth. We cannot betray our principles. We cannot embezzle.


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There is a Polish war cemetery in Breda, where Polish soldiers from the 1st Armoured Division who died during the Second World War in the Dutch campaign to liberate the city from German occupation are buried. Among them was also buried later their commander, General Stanisław Maczek.

Fryderyk Chopin

Fryderyk Chopin

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The Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw is a refuge for many illustrious souls. A walk through Powązki Cemetery is an excellent history lesson, because it is not an emotionless lecture consisting of dates, dry facts, or even cause and effect continuities. It is a lesson about living people, family fates, heroism, cruelty, love, birth, and death. Among old, beautiful, ornamental tombstones overgrown with moss, surrounded by old trees, where birds sing their melodies, where man forgets that he is in the middle of a bustling city and feels as if time has stopped, there is the grave of the Chopin family. This is where the parents of the great pianist Frederick Chopin rest. The name Chopin is known across the globe, in every corner of the world where you can find a piano. To this day, there is an unofficial dispute between Poland and France about Chopin. The truth about the great virtuoso is hidden, among others, in this modest tomb in Warsaw's Powazki cemetery.

Warsaw Confederation

Warsaw Confederation

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After the end of the Second World War, in 1945 in London, the constitution of UNESCO was signed, an organisation whose main objective is to promote international cooperation in the fields of culture, art and science, and for human rights, regardless of skin colour, social status or religion. The first director of this organisation was Julian Sorell Huxley, an evolutionary biologist, grandson of Thomas Henri Huxley, a deep believer in Darwin's evolutionary theory. On the initiative of French socialist activist Leon Blum, UNESCO's headquarters were moved to Paris.

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